How to Join the Band

The Baltimore Symphonic Band (BSB) is open to adult musicians of any age who are willing to:

  • play challenging symphonic band music
  • commit to practicing on your own
  • attend weekly rehearsals (Tuesday night, starting promptly at 7:30 p.m.)
  • participate in approximately 12 – 15 concerts per year
  • ensure conformity with the appropriate dress code for the concerts
  • maintain proper decorum during rehearsals and performances

In addition, the BSB is a class at The Community College of Baltimore County Essex. Therefore, all members are required to enroll in the class and pay the requisite fee.

BSB Preforms in Bled, Slovenia

The repertoire of the band is quite varied and can go up to Grade 6, including classics, contemporary, jazz, show tunes, marches, big band, and more. The BSB plays all year throughout Maryland, including seasonal performances, formal concerts, and programs in retirement communities and state hospitals. The band also participates in the annual Maryland Community Band Day.

Placement in the Band

Individual placement in the band depends on the need for the instrument, the member’s musical ability, and the member’s regular attendance at rehearsals and performances. The music director, Christopher Wolfe, makes all of the placements, based on the stated criteria.


BSB Goes on Tour

The BSB has been fortunate to have taken three concert tours to Europe (Switzerland; Italy, Austria, Germany; and Croatia and Slovenia). These trips afforded members the opportunity of performing a variety of musical types for foreign audiences, spectacular sightseeing, and fine-tuning our performance skills. More tours are planned for the future, and it is hoped that any new members joining the BSB will participate in these wonderful touring opportunities.